The Ultimate Fuel For Gamers

How real-value game economies will change lives.

Simon Kertonegoro
6 min readNov 28, 2017

To a lot of us, gaming can be like a second life. Our aliases are our alter egos and our games take us to other worlds.

Some Gamers hide their passion for gaming, wary of society’s judgements. Many of us hold no apologies for the satisfaction we discover at the edge of imagination. Nearly all of us wish that the void separating the gaming world from our normal lives, didn’t exist.

Therefore, the true question becomes…

How do we blur the lines?

Enter stage right, Enjin Coin.

What is Enjin Coin?

Enjin Coin is a utility token which harnesses the power of blockchain technology to connect gaming communities through virtual items. It changes the way we view virtual items by giving them intrinsic financial value, allowing us to truly consider them as digital assets.

By creating an interconnected universe of digital assets Enjin is hoping to bond people together and allow them to recreate those bonds to suit their needs.

Enjin Coin has the potential to fundamentally change our real lives and our gaming lives by bringing them closer together.

So, how can Enjin Coin change gaming?

1) Creating an Interconnected Gaming Multiverse

The gaming world is like an archipelago, speckled by hundreds of thousands of islands. Connected by identity, separated by culture.

Some players hop from island to island looking for different experiences but they come to each new place bearing no gifts from the last, and usually leaving without any souvenirs.

With no direct trade routes and no lines of communication, lonely islands tend to see each other as a threat, thus building walls around themselves to keep their citizens in — not realising that these walls are just as effective at keeping their citizens out.

It’s time for gaming communities to build the bridges needed to create a greater gaming society as a whole. Enjin Coin gives Game Developers who want to unite their communities an easy way to work together and grow in tandem, while creating a radical change in the user experience.

Using Enjin Coin’s blockchain technology, players could take digital assets from game to game whilst giving Game Developers the ability to utilize information stored in those assets to redefine gameplay.

In this way, Enjin Coin is not just a way to mint valuable assets for users to gain, keep and trade…

It’s a language that will help gaming realms to speak to one another.

2) Transforming How We Store Value

Today, more and more of our assets are becoming digital.

For those of us who play a lot of games and trade cryptocurrencies, much of our net worth seems to be floating around the net. More convenient management of digital assets is already a necessity. Potential storage of virtual items can even extend to software licenses and access keys to books, music and movies.

Even ownership of physical items can be tracked digitally using the blockchain ledger.

The complete list of what can be gamified, stored and traded on-chain is yet to be imagined.

To provide us peace of mind the Enjin Wallet will boast the highest levels of encryption security and impregnable cryptography standards to guarantee safe storage of our digital assets. It will also provide an unassailable trading functionality using smart escrow contracts to safeguard our buying, selling and swapping of assets.

Enjin will provide free storage and ultra low transaction fees, which are used to fund the blockchain that’s processing our data. With the ability for micro-transactions and subscription based payments, there are countless ways Enjin Coin can revolutionize how we do business through gaming.

Roadmap Update: Beta testing of core functions for the Enjin Coin Smart Wallet is expected to begin next month (Dec, 2017), only two months after the completion of the ICO.

3) Merging Our ‘Real Lives’ with Our Gaming Lives

Why does gaming need to be another life? Why can’t it just be life? The first reason is that gaming doesn’t pay the bills. The second reason is that life isn’t a game. Neither of these reasons need to be true.

Enjin Coin provides a unique opportunity for more people to make a living from gaming, by making it easier to generate a return from our digital assets. Enjin Coin will naturally encourage more Gamers to invest more cash into virtual items, because they’re simply worth more and we can get more out of them.

With more money circulating through gaming economies, entrepreneurial Gamers will be able to create trading opportunities by minting items, farming resources or winning rewards and trading them for other digital assets. This encourages experienced Gamers to stick around because there’s more at stake, bolstering the community talent pool and increasing engagement on all levels.

‘Life ain’t a game’ is a cliche we hear all too often when we’re being told to grow up, settle down, to get a job we don’t like, to fit into the pigeon holes society has set for us.

I think we should be allowed to ask why.

Why can’t life be a game?

Games are fun, games encourage us to improve, to succeed, to work together and to win! Enjin Coin’s digital asset wallet is a one of a kind piece of tech that will allow all users to receive and hold valuable digital assets, but here’s the kicker — it will even allow us to create our own!

So whether you’re a game developer, a webmaster, a shopkeeper, a teacher, or a social media star you will be able to create assets and offer them to your community and gamify anything you want.

The only limit is imagination, and there’s a hell of a lot of it out there.

4) Sparking Vertically Integrated Economies

With Enjin, the potential of creating holistic eco-systems around each and every game is enormous.

The ability for any developer to easily integrate their games with their online stores and community forums through digital assets will result in far more engaged players.

As a user, being able to win assets in a game’s community forum, trade them in its marketplace and use them in the game is very exciting. Enjin is delighted to be working within many gaming communities to make this a sweeping reality. By developing every necessary APP, SDK, API and CMS needed for Game Developers to build these expanded communities with ease, the only question becomes, how else can Developers advance this system to further increase the scope of their community?

The potential doesn’t stop there though.

Enjin can further economize gaming, but it can also gamify everything else. Any institution or individual will have the ability to use this technology to rally their community in a playful and profitable way. Most of the supporting software being coded is open source so any developer can add their vision to the dreamscape. Enjin Coins’ blockchain technology is decentralized by nature so it can’t be controlled by gatekeepers, not even themselves. This encourages the participation of international development communities, making Enjin Coin a potent fuel for innovation.

Enjin Coin is the blood that’s pumping through the veins of a sleeping giant. It’s poised to ignite the gaming community and light a fire in the hearts of its players. This isn’t a minor change in the way we buy virtual items, Enjin Coin has been designed to fundamentally reform how we act as a community and you can find the proof in every level of its DNA.

It’s the bridge we need to bring Gamers together, and it’s the fuel we need to drive us forward.

So in the future when someone asks you what Enjin Coin is, you can tell them it’s fuel for gamers.



Simon Kertonegoro

Helping game devs build the games of their dreams, on their own terms.